Dampfnudeln, comfort food from Bavaria
comfort food just hits the right spot. Sometimes, it feels good to
indulge in a generous serving of carbohydrates. Dampfnudeln can be
counted as one of these dishes taking the rough edges from the troubles
of daily life. I remember them from childhood and I still love them,
doused in vanilla sauce.
My mother used to serve them occasionally as a sweet lunch. I think,
eating a sweet dish as a main course is quite unique to Southern
Germany. The Austrians, for example, also have Dampfnudeln but they
serve them as dessert only. Literally translated, Dampfnudeln means
steamed dumplings. Chinese have a quite similar dish. I just ate Chinese
dumplings in Bombay that resembled Dampfnudeln. But they were stuffed
with a pork mixture.
Dampfnudeln are made from a sweet, rich yeast dough. Butter is an
essential ingredient in this recipe, but it is used in moderation. To
make my dumplings more nutritious, I used whole-wheat flour - my
carbohydrate indulgence comes with a decent amount of fibre.
I actually revived this recipe for a young friend of mine. This girl
shows a remarkable interest in cooking, especially sweets.
Unfortunately, the kitchen of her parents does not sport an oven.
Dampfnudeln are cooked in a pan, so she can make them on her oven top.
When I made this recipe with my young friend, I tried to add a touch of
sophistication: We made a filling of raisins, walnuts, sugar and
cinnamon. The result was not bad, but it left me with an insight:
Sometimes, pedestrian recipes work because they are simple. I prefer my
Dampfnudeln plain, sweet, fluffy dough with plenty of vanilla sauce.
They melt in your mouth and the crust at the bottom gives you just
enough crunch to avoid boring.
I use real vanilla for my vanilla sauce, which makes all the
difference. I think, Dampfnudeln make a good breakfast. You can prepare
the dough in the evening and just steam them in the morning. Personally,
I like them at any kind of the day. It is never too early or too late
to pamper yourself. Just forget about calories and enjoy.
Wishing you happy cooking, always!
Kornelia Santoro with family
Ingredients (for 7 big dumplings):
1 packet dry yeast
4 tablespoons sugar
¼ cup lukewarm water
¼ cup lukewarm milk
6 tablespoons butter
2 ¼ cup whole-wheat flour
½ cup cold milk
For the vanilla sauce:
1 vanilla pod
2 cups milk
2 tablespoons sugar
½ tablespoon corn flour
4 egg yolks

Dissolve the yeast and 1 tablespoon sugar
in the lukewarm water. Let it stand until it starts to form bubbles.
That takes around five minutes.
In a bowl stir the milk, 4 tablespoons melted butter and 1 tablespoon
sugar. Add the yeast mix and stir well again. Add the flour and mix
everything well. You should have soft dough now, which is a bit sticky,
but not too much.
Place the dough on an even surface and start kneading it. Maybe you
need to add a little more flour. The dough should become elastic without
sticking to your fingers. It needs about five minutes of earnest
kneading to activate the gluten in the flour.
When you have a nice ball of soft dough, place it back into the bowl
and cover it with a moist cloth. Let it rise for around 45 minutes in a
warm place. The dough should double in size. Slightly butter a cookie
sheet. Give the dough one good kneading, and then form round balls.
Place them on the cookie sheet and let them rise again for around 45
While the Dampfnudeln are rising, prepare the vanilla sauce. Slice open
the vanilla pod and scrape out the black insides. Pour the milk into a
saucepan. Add the sugar, the vanilla and the hull of the vanilla pod.
Bring it to a boil over a medium flame, and then simmer for five
minutes. The sugar should dissolve completely. Switch off the heat.
Mix the egg yolks with the corn flour. When the milk has cooled down
completely, add the egg yolks. Keep stirring continuously while mixing
them with the hot milk. Turn on the flame again, as low as possible and
heat until you feel the sauce thicken. Don’t boil it again otherwise the
egg yolks curdle.
steam the dumplings, you need a big pan with a close fitting lid,
preferably made from glass so you can see what happens. Melt 2
tablespoons butter in the cold milk and dissolve the remaining 2
tablespoons sugar in the milk. Bring it to a boil, and then turn the
flame to low.
Gently put the dumplings into the milk. Close the pan with the lid and
don’t open for at least 30 minutes. This is very important. If you open
the lid too early, the dumplings will deflate. Dampfnudeln need to be
soft and fluffy with a crust on the bottom.
You know they are cooked when you hear a crackling sound from the pan.
That means, the liquid has evaporated and the bottom of the dumplings is
frying in the butter. After 2 to 3 minutes of crackling, the
Dampfnudeln are ready. Serve them immediately with the vanilla sauce.
Dampfnudeln are not good to keep in the fridge.
My favourite meal as a child in Germany was Pflaumenklöße, which is also a sweet main meal, but this sounds nice, too. I will try it!