Dear all,
The other day I received an email with a link to 32 different chickpea recipes ‘to dug me out of my hummus hole’. So far, I had been unaware of the existence of such a hole.
I love hummus and serve it regularly at dinner parties. Often I eat it as a healthy lunch with a little salad and some whole wheat crackers – very refreshing, especially during the current heat wave in India.
Although hummus has lost its exotic factor in the country where we live, many people still ask me for the recipe. Although it is as simple as can be, some manage to get it wrong. I think, the biggest mistake commonly made is to add too much tahini, the sesame paste from Middle East. Although tahini is wonderfully healthy, it has a strange texture. When you eat it by itself, it feels very sticky and tastes slightly bitter. Too much tahini can ruin your hummus.
Of course, you can also add to much lemon and too much garlic, although this is largely a matter of personal taste. One time, I dropped too much pepper powder in my blender. There was no way I could get rid of it, so this one time we had a very peppery hummus – my guests liked it though.
In general, I think we should eat as many legumes as possible. They provide cheap protein in combination with fibre, complex carbohydrates (the good ones) and many minerals, vitamins and phytonutrients.
Legumes are great to keep slim and fit and hummus is the perfect recipe. You can keep it up to one week in the fridge and you can even freeze it. When you open the door of my freezer, you will always find a container with hummus, next to some pasta sauces and homemade pâtés.
Wishing you happy cooking, always!
Kornelia Santoro with family
Hummus - a classic dip

(for 8 servings)
(for 8 servings)
- 1 cup dried chickpeas
- 2 tablespoons tahini
- 4 tablespoons lemon juice
- 3 tablespoons olive oil
- 2 cloves garlic
- salt
- pepper
- ½ cup cooking liquid
out the beans and check them for small stones, debris and damaged
beans. Wash the chickpeas and soak them in plenty of water overnight.
The next day, drain the soaked chickpeas, put them into a pot, cover
with two litres salt water and boil them until soft.
you use a pressure cooker, add only one litre of water with the
chickpeas and cook for 30 minutes after the first whistle. The chickpeas
need to become really soft. Drain the chickpeas, but save half a cup of
the liquid.
You can prepare humus either with a blender stick or in a blender. With a blender stick, mash the chickpeas first, and then add the tahini, the lemon juice, the olive oil and the crushed garlic. Combine with some cooking liquid to obtain a smooth paste.
You can prepare humus either with a blender stick or in a blender. With a blender stick, mash the chickpeas first, and then add the tahini, the lemon juice, the olive oil and the crushed garlic. Combine with some cooking liquid to obtain a smooth paste.
If you use a blender, throw in all the ingredients and blend away. It is better to crush the garlic before adding it.
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