Broccoli, the big cleaner
Experts consider broccoli one of the most beneficial vegetables. It
contains generous amounts of vitamins and minerals. Its outstanding
quality is its combination of vitamins, minerals, flavonoids and
carotenoids that helps to eradicate toxins. Our body gets rid of toxins
during a two-step process. Broccoli supports both of these steps through
three different glucosinolates. It is the only vegetable, which offers
these important phytonutrients in this combination and concentration.

The support of broccoli’s nutrients for oxygen metabolism makes this
vegetable equally helpful in lowering the risk of chronic inflammation
and cancer. Broccoli also has an unusually strong combination of both
vitamin A (in the form of beta-carotene) and vitamin K. For people with a
lack of vitamin D broccoli is a food they should eat as often as
possible. It is also a particularly rich source of a flavonoid called
kaempferol that fights cancer cells.
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